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Clynxx Prescriptions
Clynxx Prescriptions

Submitting your prescriptions to Clynxx from Semble

Jessica Magri avatar
Written by Jessica Magri
Updated over 11 months ago

You can now transfer prescriptions directly to Clynxx from Semble. There are also pharmacy integrations available for CloudRx, Somer Pharmacy, SignatureRx, Pharmacierge and Smartway.

In this article:

Note: To set up the Clynxx integration, you must have a role assigned to you that gives you editing permissions for Lab and pharmacy settings. For more information on roles, see here.

Set Up Clynxx

When you have met the requirements for the Clynxx integration, you can set it up from the Settings page in Semble:

1. Go to the Lab and pharmacy settings tab.

2. Scroll down to the Pharmacy settings section, then click Add pharmacy account.

  • Provider: Select Clynxx

  • Name: Enter the name of your practice

  • Source: This will be in the form of a string of characters e.g. 63774f6d866751001164b09e (This will identify to Clynxx both the user and their practice.).

3. Click Save button to confirm.

The integration is set up, and you can now submit a prescription to Clynxx.

Submit a Prescription to Clynxx

When you have fully set up Clynxx for your practice, you can submit a prescription at any time:

1. Create a prescription for a patient as you normally would. For information on how to do this, see here.

2. Click the pharmacy integration icon:

3. Select Clynxx from the dropdown menu.

4. (Optional) Add any comments you have for the prescription.

Note: These comments will not appear in Clynxx. To make visible comments, you must add comments within the Clynxx app before you have authorised the prescription. No changes or comments can be made to prescriptions after authorisation.

5. Click Send. The prescription is sent to Clynxx for them to process.

If the prescription fails to send, you will see an error message as shown below in 3 places: a pop up on the prescriptions page, on the prescription listing page and on the prescription page if the pop up is closed. The reason for the error will be displayed in the pop up.

You can go to the Logs tab in the patient record to see details of the submitted prescription as well as any errors which you may have encountered.

Note: There are no cost implications on our end. However, kindly contact the provider in terms of what they may/may not charge you.

Cancel a Clynxx Prescription

The cancel option is available via the Clynxx account on The prescriber must log in to to cancel his prescription(s).

Note 1: When any of the repeat scenarios are cancelled, no other prescription repeats issued can be dispensed subsequently.

Note 2: An acute prescription will be cancelled at the time of canceling. An acute prescription can only be cancelled if it has not yet been dispensed.

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