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Overview of Patient Questionnaires

Create, edit, and delete patient questionnaires

Cindy avatar
Written by Cindy
Updated over 5 months ago

This article is for clinicians and medical secretaries who want to learn how to create questionnaires for patients to fill out before they have a consultation. Answers given in a patient questionnaire are automatically uploaded to the relevant places in the patient record.

For information on how to share or insert a questionnaire into a confirmation email, see here. Or you can read the FAQ

Note: To create, edit, and delete patient questionnaires, you must have a role assigned to you that gives you editing permissions for Questionnaires. For more information, see here.

In this article:

Create a Patient Questionnaire

Please note: When creating a questionnaire, kindly do save your work regularly, every 5 minutes or so at least.

You can create a patient questionnaire from the Settings page:

1. Go to the Questionnaires tab.

2. Click New in the top right-hand corner.

3. Fill out the General information section.

Note: Users cannot fill out the Confirmation Message and Redirect URL at the same time. Users can only use one of the two options.

4. Enter your Branding options.

5. Choose the Patient information that you want the patient to be asked for, by ticking the boxes.

Note: It is recommended to keep Date of birth ticked, as otherwise this could cause a patient to be duplicated if they are later fully added to your Semble.

6. (Optional) Add custom questions by scrolling down to the Sections section, and then clicking Add section.

7. Fill out the section details, then click Add question to add the custom question. You can also add a question that involves a documentation upload. For more information, see here.

Note: If you want Semble to automatically update certain patient information from the questionnaire, you must select the correct dropdown. See below for more information.

8. Choose whether you want the question to be required or not. Ticking this box will make the patient unable to submit the questionnaire until they have provided an answer to the question.

9. Fill out the rest of your questionnaire with as many sections and questions as you want.

10. Click Save in the top right-hand corner.

The questionnaire appears in the Questionnaires tab. You can now share the questionnaire with your patients before they attend a consultation.

Note: When a patient fills out a questionnaire, the answers they provide are automatically uploaded to the relevant places in their patient record.

Edit a Patient Questionnaire

You can edit a patient questionnaire at any time, from the Settings page:

1. Go to the Questionnaires tab.

2. Select the questionnaire that you want to edit.

3. Make the edits that you want.

4. Click Save in the top right-hand corner.

Delete a Patient Questionnaire

You can delete a patient questionnaire at any time, from the Settings page:

1. Go to the Questionnaires tab.

2. Click the more options icon next to the questionnaire that you want to delete.

3. Select Delete.

4. Click Delete to confirm the deletion.

The questionnaire is deleted from your practice.

Custom Question Types

When you add a custom question to a patient questionnaire, you can have certain information automatically update in Semble.

To do this, you must select the correct question type from the Question type dropdown menu:

  • Multiple choice: Configure a question where a patient can select one or more answers

  • Text: A question where the patient can type a short answer

  • Multiline text: A question where the patient can type a longer answer using multiple lines

  • Medical term: Add a question where you can ask the patient about current and past medical conditions, as well as family history. When a patient answers this custom question, the information they provide will automatically update their patient summary in Semble

  • Signature: Give the patient the opportunity to provide a digital signature for the questionnaire. This signature will be automatically added to their patient summary in Semble

  • Date: Ask the patient a question relating to a specific date

  • Relationship: Give the patient the opportunity to provide any external contacts that are relevant to their health or treatment (e.g an emergency contact, or insurance provider). Depending on what type of relationship you select, the information is automatically uploaded to the correct space in the patient's Summary

  • File upload: Give the patient the opportunity to upload a file for the questionnaire. For more information, see here.

Click here to see how to send your questionnaire to patients via an appointment confirmation or reminder.

Reordering Questionnaires or Adding Sections

Currently, within your Semble account, it is not possible to reorder questionnaires or add sections between existing ones directly through the platform interface. If you need to make these changes, please contact us via email at

In your email, please include the following information:

  • The exact changes needed

  • A link to the questionnaire from within Semble (URL)

  • The link shared with patients (URL)

Our support team will assist you with the required updates.

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