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Overview of Access Groups

How to enable and create access groups for your clinic

Jessica Magri avatar
Written by Jessica Magri
Updated over a week ago

With Semble, you can assign the records of a group of patients or contacts to a specific Semble user. When an access group has been assigned to a patient or contact, only users linked to that access group will be able to view the patient or contact's details. For more information about which parts of Semble are restricted through access groups, see here.

This article is about how to enable and create access groups. For information on how to assign a patient or contact to an access group, see here.

Note: To enable and create access groups, you must have a role assigned to you that gives you Access Groups editing permissions. For more information on roles, see here.

In this article:

Enable Access Groups

By default, there are access groups that are automatically created for your clinic:

  • Public: This access group contains every patient and contact in your clinic. Users linked to this access group have access to all patient and contact records.

  • Practitioner groups: An access group is automatically created whenever your clinic creates a user who is given the Practitioner role.

You can enable access groups from the Settings page:

1. Go to the Access Groups tab.

2. Tick the Display access groups box in the top right-hand corner.

Access groups are now enabled across your clinic. You can disable access groups at any time by following the same steps as above, and unticking the Display access groups box.

Create a custom access group

You can create any number of custom access groups from the Settings page:

1. Go to the Access Groups tab.

2. Click New.

3. Fill in the General information section:

  • Name

  • Colour: Click on the colour picker to select a colour for the access group

  • Description

  • Patient tag: An identifier for the access group. This tag will appear on the patient or contact's file

4. Assign users to the access group, by ticking the box next to their names.

5. Click Save.

The new access group appears in the Access Groups tab. You can now assign patients and contacts to the access group.

Edit an access group

You can edit an access group at any time from the Settings page:

1. Go to the Access Groups tab.

2. Select the access group that you want to edit.

3. Make the edits you want.

4. Click Save at the top of the page.

Delete a custom access group

Access groups that are automatically generated when you add a Practitioner to your clinic, can not be deleted.

You can delete any custom access group at any time from the Settings page:

1. Go to the Access Groups tab.

2. Click the more options icon next to the access group that you want to delete.

3. Select Delete.

4. Type the full name of the access group. Note: Make sure to type any spaces or special characters in the name.

5. Click Delete.

The access group is deleted from your clinic.

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