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Video Consultation Security

What security and privacy policies do video consultations with Semble have?

Jessica Magri avatar
Written by Jessica Magri
Updated over a week ago

Semble is committed to providing a secure service for clinics and patients. Video consultations are hosted by Twilio, who are in no way affiliated or associated with Semble. Video consultations use Web Realtime Communication (WebRTC), and the connection is between only yourself and your patient.

Twilio uses a peer-to-peer (P2P) connection that directly exchanges media between two points:

  • Media is end-to-end encrypted using WebRTC security protocols

  • Semble is not involved in this media exchange, and therefore can not record or transcode the media within the consultation

  • Semble can not interoperate this video consultation with other video conferencing services

Note: The information in this article is mostly taken from the Twilio Support site. Go there for more information on Twilio security and privacy policies.

For more general information on Semble's own security and privacy policies, see here.

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