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Repeat Prescriptions
Repeat Prescriptions

How to issue repeat prescriptions for patients

Cindy avatar
Written by Cindy
Updated over 4 months ago

You can set any prescription or medication to be repeatable. Semble gives you an automated review date for any repeat medications that you insert into a consultation note.

Note: To set up repeat prescriptions, you must have a role assigned to you that gives you editing permissions for Patients and Lab settings. For more information on roles, see here.

In this article:


This is available to all practices, and there are currently no requirements to use this feature.

Pharmacy Integration Information

If you want to send a repeat prescription to one of Semble's integrated pharmacies, you must take note of certain limitations and behaviours before you attempt to do so.

Accepts repeat prescriptions. Pharmacierge takes care of the dispensing and contacting of the patient.

Note: For repeat prescriptions, patients must pick up their first prescription within 30 days of the repeat prescription being issued.

Accepts repeat prescriptions but has the following limitations:

  • Will only accept repeat prescriptions that contain official CloudRx products

  • Can not process having multiple repeat medications in the same prescription, that have different repeat durations. You must either send two separate prescriptions, or set the durations of the repeat medications to be the same

Here is an example of a repeat prescription that would be accepted by CloudRx:


Do not currently accept repeat prescriptions.

Prescribe a Repeat Medication

If you have read through the integration information, you can prescribe a repeat medication at any time from the Patients page, by adding a 'Medication' section to a consultation note:

1. Start creating a consultation note for a patient as you normally would. For more information on how to do this, see here.

2. Add a prescription to the consultation note by clicking the 'Prescribe' tag at the bottom.

3. Fill out the details of the prescription, then tick the This is a repeat prescription box.

4. Fill out the repeat prescription details:


The refills do not include the original dispense. It represents the number of times a prescription can be refilled after the initial supply has been dispensed. For example, if a prescription has a "refills number" of 3, it means the patient can obtain three additional supplies

Duration (Optional)

The duration is the minimum amount of time that can pass before the patient can get another prescription. The prescription is valid for this amount of time from the date it is given to the pharmacy.

Please note: If the prescription doesn’t have a Duration set, the Duration field will not appear on your PDF

Frequency (Optional)

Select whether you want the 'Duration' to be in days or months

Review date (Optional)

The Review date automatically updates depending on the details you have set, this is the date set when the clinician wants to discuss the medication outcomes with the patient OR review the progress with taking the medication and decide whether to re-prescribe, change the dose or anything else.

You can always manually modify the review date however the duration will change automatically as well.

Please note: If the prescription doesn’t have a Review Date set, the Review Date will not appear on your prescription.

5. Finish writing the consultation note as you normally would and click Save on the top left corner.

The prescription appears in the patient's record. You can now send the prescription to an external pharmacy.

Tracking Refills: Always check the number of total refills allowed and the dates of previous prescriptions to avoid over-prescribing.

Send a Repeat Prescription to a Pharmacy

When you have prescribed a repeat prescription to a patient, you can then send it to an external pharmacy from the Patients page:

1. Select the patient whose prescription you want to send.

2. Go to the Prescriptions tab.

3. Select the repeat prescription that you want to send to the pharmacy.

4. Click the pharmacy integration icon at the top of the prescription.

5. Select the pharmacy that you want to send the prescription to.

Note: See the above information for details on which pharmacy integrations accept repeat prescriptions.

6. (Optional) Type any comments you have for the pharmacy.

7. Click Send.

The repeat prescription is sent to the pharmacy, and will be added to the patient's Logs in their record.

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